
Smit Shah

Director, Drone Federation of India (DFI)

Smit, currently based in New Delhi, India, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from the Mumbai University and started his career as a software developer with Germin8, a social intelligence company to build SaaS-based data analytics products.

Passionate about leveraging the power of healthcare data, he co-founded CheckApp – a health-tech startup, which created an interoperable healthcare data exchange protocol for on-demand access to clinical data across different healthcare service providers. His work also involved interacting with state governments to integrate healthcare data exchange with public health policies.

With his well-rounded business acumen and passion for public policy and technology integration to solve large scale problems, he currently has a laser focus on the Indian drone industry and serves as the Director at the Drone Federation of India.

He works ardently with leading drone manufacturers, service providers, public and private sector corporations for creating opportunities and accelerating the growth of the drone industry in India.

Smit also plays a prominent role in drone policy advocacy by interacting with civil and defence government agencies and serves a member of leading government drone policy and standardisation committees:
Member, National UTM Committee
Ministry of Civil Aviation
Scope of the Committee: Framing the National Unmanned Traffic Management Policy and overseeing the deployment of UTM Systems in India.

Member, Committee for RPAS Certification Scheme
Quality Council of India
Scope of the Committee: Developing the technical criteria for certification of drones as per guidelines laid down by the DGCA.

Member, Expert Advisory Group, Device Development Program
Department of Science and Technology
Ministry of Science and Technology
Scope of the Group: Analysing project proposals submitted by industry and academia for research and development in the drone sector.

Member, Sub-Committee for Standardisation of UAVs
Bureau of Indian Standards
Scope of the Committee: Developing the technical standards for drones and its components in India.

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